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About the Journal

The GSM Journal of STEM is an international Science, Medicine, Technology, Society, and Nature based research journal run by passionate students in GSM. It publishes research by diverse individuals in middle school, high school, undergraduate, and gradate levels. We accept multiple topics within health, science, law, business, art, culture, history and many more.

GSM Journal of STEM is an online and open access journal. It support greater global exchange of knowledge and welcome everyone to review. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, either within our Medical Journal Club Department or from outside interested individuals. 


Types of Submissions

  • Research Articles: These articles report on original research conducted by the authors or are review articles that synthesize, organize and draw conclusions about a field of research. We encourage the length to be 2,000-4,000 words in total. 


  • Book Reviews: Reviews of recent and older books in the field of STEM are welcomed. Reviews can be close to 1,000 words. We require complete bibliographic information on the book and give full credits for book. These reviews are helpful guide for audience to better understand this field.


  • Interviews: Edited transcript of interview with expert in STEM about an STEM-related issue.

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